SCC33 History
- Date authorized by Southern Experiment Station Directors: May 18, 1983
- Organizational Meeting: February 27-28, 1984, Atlanta, Georgia
- First Chairman: Dr. Daryl Bowman, North Carolina State University
- First Administrative Advisor: Dr. Ken Tipton, Louisiana State University (1983-1996)
- First National Variety Testing Meeting - 2010 - Tampa Florida - Coordinated by Bill Bruening, University of Kentucky
Individuals responsible for variety testing programs from all agricultural experiment stations and commercial industry.
Original Objectives:
- Determine status of crop variety testing programs in the Southern region.
- Determine area(s) where a cooperative effort would enhance overall crop variety evaluation programs.
- Develop innovative and improved procedures and techniques for conducting crop variety evaluation and data generation leading to variety recommendation of crops in the Southern Region.
- Objectives 1 and 3 changed in 2010 from a Southern regional group to a National / International group.
(This statement was included in the 1983 request to establish the exchange group.)
Evaluation of crop varieties is a major activity in all state agricultural experiment stations. While this is often considered unattractive research because it does not generate technical publications, we all recognize the tremendous importance of an effective variety testing program. The need for effective variety testing programs will continue to escalate because of farther developments and improvements in crop varieties. Also, the increased availability and use of new technologies provides opportunities for other innovative approaches to handling and processing data and providing recommendations on a prescription basis. Active participants can decide the future course of activities.
Significant changes:
1985 - Private sector companies were invited to participate with public sector counterparts.
1989 - Directory of variety testing personnel was developed.
1990 - Standard varieties are recommended annually by IEG for soybean and corn variety trials.
1993 - Service awards were adopted. Criteria for awards are as follows:
- Outgoing and incoming meeting co-chairs will serve as the awards committee.
- One award will be authorized each year, with public and private sector members being eligible in alternate years.
- Nominations are solicited from active members (those attending last 3 years).
- Nominations consist of a brief written statement by nominator outlining nominee's service.
- Letters of nominations circulated among committee and they will select recipients by consensus.
- Plaques will be presented during the annual meetings.
2010 - First National Variety Testing Meeting